
The Best Ice Cream Makers to End Your Ben and Jerry’s Habit - WSJ

The Best Ice Cream Makers to End Your Ben and Jerry’s Habit

The Best Ice Cream Makers to End Your Ben and Jerry’s Habit Ice Machine Maker Snow 5ton-10 Ton

The Best Ice Cream Makers to End Your Ben and Jerry’s Habit - WSJ

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If you want to make high-quality ice cream at home, don’t reach for a stash of rock salt and plastic bags. That low-tech approach will produce a dessert more like ice milk than ice cream, no better than the bucket of “vanilla bean” you could buy at a grocery store. If you want professional-grade ice cream, more akin to the kind sold in pricey pints, you’ll need a professional-grade ice-cream machine.

Though many types of such machines exist, experts say the best are those with a built-in compressor. These components, similar to the kind you’ll find in window AC units, circulate refrigerant through a series of pipes around the ice-cream “bowl” to pull heat away from your liquid ice-cream base..

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The Best Ice Cream Makers to End Your Ben and Jerry’s Habit - WSJ

Pellet Ice Maker This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order multiple copies, please contact Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit